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Monday, September 5, 2011

Crassula Forest Planting

The theme of this forest is windswept. It features 5 Crassula trees.

The centre or 'father' tree was placed on a mound in the centre of the planting. He is one of few fully intact trees, showing that he was able to adapt to the forests conditions. The other two unbroken trees are adolescents which were able to receive enough shelter from the father tree to stay intact although they still show signs of strain due to the windy conditions.

On the left is a large stocky trunk which has been blown over. This particular Crassulas trunk was too sturdy to bend under the windy conditions so instead it was blown over. Its fall was broken by a large boulder allowing some of the trees roots to remain intact, therefore prolonging its life.

On the right hand side is a broken Crassula stump. This stump, being positioned on the edge of the forest received the full force of the wind and was unfortunately not strong enough to withstand it and therefore broke under the strain.


To achieve a successful forest one must envision a story and use that story as a theme to develop the forest. Using themes to design forests helps to achieve an authentic look which is crucial to creating a champion forest. Best of luck to all those who wish to create a forest! :) 

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